Friday, January 8, 2021

Phys. Ed. Activities for Friday, January 8

 Happy Friday Everyone!

We're already through our week of online learning! Can you believe it!?

Today we're going to do a cardboard box challenge, which will help with our stretching and balancing. REMEMBER: it's important that we first WARM-UP and that we move SLOWLY when doing stretching movements. This is very important to help prevent injuries!

Find an empty cardboard box (it can be any shape or size, but needs to be thin enough to tear relatively easy), then watch the following video:

Have fun! If you have time left over, feel free to review some of the activities from earlier in the week.

See you soon!

Mr. Johnson

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Phys. Ed. Activities for Thursday, January 7

 Happy Thursday Everyone!

Today we'll be doing a BOTTLE FLIP CHALLENGE. You'll want to play on a hard, flat surface, and will need some type of bottle with a flat bottom side so it can land upright. If you're not sure what kind of container to use, ask an older sibling or parent - we want to avoid spills! There's two videos I'll get you to watch before you get started:

This is the video where I got the idea from:

...and here's my attempt! (spoiler alert: I did worse)

Try to experiment with different shapes of bottles with different amounts of water in them. Which one did you find worked the best? Why do you think that is?

You can also substitute a different exercise than jumping jacks, if you'd prefer (e.g. burpees, sit-ups, push-ups, squat jumps)... but make sure you do them with the proper form we've learned in class!

Let me know what your high score was! Can you beat Mr. Johnson's 4? Or, better yet, the 7 from the other video?!

Mr. Johnson

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Phys. Ed. Activities for Wednesday, January 6th

 Happy Wednesday, Le Roi Daniels!

Please start by watching the video below (Mr. Johnson's house doesn't exactly have movie-quality lighting and/or sound... but it's pretty close):

Direct link in case embedded video doesn't work:

For activities today, you'll need a few socks rolled up like I did in the video, and a bit of space! If your parents ask why you're throwing socks around the house today, you can say it was Mr. Johnson's idea!

Do the following, in order:

1. Throw and catch your sock ball 10 times using only your RIGHT hand

2. Throw and catch your sock ball 10 times using only your LEFT hand

3. Throw and catch your sock ball using alternating hands (left to right, then right back to left) 10 times

4. Try throwing the sock ball as HIGH as you can (but don't hit the ceiling!) and catching it with both hands 10 times

5. Throw the sock ball behind your back, and catch with both hands

6. Throw the sock ball in the air, let it bounce off your head, and then catch it with both hands (you've probably seen Mr. Johnson doing this in class all the time!)

7. Use your SWING, STEP, TOSS (or underhand) throw to SAFELY AIM your sock ball at something in your house - your couch, for example

8. Come up with your own "trick move" to creatively throw and catch your sock ball

Have an awesome day, Le Roi Daniels! 

Mr. Johnson

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Phys. Ed. Activities for Tuesday, January 5th

Good Morning Le Roi Daniels!

I do hope that everyone enjoyed their break, and I can't wait to see everyone back in the gym starting next week. I've got 4 different lessons planned for you over this week - roughly half an hour per day. Students will remember that we aim to get one hour of physical activity each day, so feel free to run through things twice, or use previous posts in order to hit that target.

To start out today, I'd like to review some of the movements we've learned so far throughout the school year. All you'll need is a small area free from clutter and a deck of cards (if you don't have cards, no worries, as I've posted a link below that will generate random cards for you). These are all movements we've done in class before - try your best to remember them on your own, but I've included some hints in brackets to help out. You will draw one card, and do the movement associated with that card, which are listed below:


Step 1: Click on Random card generator: (if you do not have your own cards, click on "one random deck button)

Step 2: Look up what exercise goes along with that card

Step 3: Complete exercise listed. Try your best to remember the proper form on your own - we'll review them again once we're back in class!

Step 4: Take a short break, if you need it

Step 5: Repeat (draw another card!)

Ace: Jog on the spot for 30 seconds (or 60 steps)

2: 10 jumping jacks (perfect pencil to star form)

3: 10 knee push ups (flat hands and knees touching the ground, bend elbows until chest almost touches the ground, then push back up)

4: 10 deep squats (bend down, then pop up)

5: 10 jump squats (bend down, arms back, then jump and reach for the sky!)

6: Elbow plank for 15 seconds (elbows on the ground, rest of your body should be straight)

7: 10 toe-touches 

8: 10 star jumps (knees shoulder-width apart, jump and turn your body into a star, and land)

9: 20 arm rotations (10 per arm, slowly rotate your arm fully around your body)

10: 5 burpees (jump up, go into push-up position, then tuck back and repeat)

J: 20 hops on your right foot

Q: 20 hops on your left foot

K: Choose your favourite from the activities above

I challenge everyone to try and get through an entire 52-card deck throughout the day... think you can do it?

Hope this helped you keep moving during this Tuesday morning! Tomorrow we will be playing some throwing games around the house using rolled up socks and some other items!

Please don't hesitate to reach out to me at should you have any questions at any time. 


Mr. Johnson

Phys. Ed. Activities for Friday, January 8

 Happy Friday Everyone! We're already through our week of online learning! Can you believe it!? Today we're going to do a cardboard ...