Thursday, January 7, 2021

Phys. Ed. Activities for Thursday, January 7

 Happy Thursday Everyone!

Today we'll be doing a BOTTLE FLIP CHALLENGE. You'll want to play on a hard, flat surface, and will need some type of bottle with a flat bottom side so it can land upright. If you're not sure what kind of container to use, ask an older sibling or parent - we want to avoid spills! There's two videos I'll get you to watch before you get started:

This is the video where I got the idea from:

...and here's my attempt! (spoiler alert: I did worse)

Try to experiment with different shapes of bottles with different amounts of water in them. Which one did you find worked the best? Why do you think that is?

You can also substitute a different exercise than jumping jacks, if you'd prefer (e.g. burpees, sit-ups, push-ups, squat jumps)... but make sure you do them with the proper form we've learned in class!

Let me know what your high score was! Can you beat Mr. Johnson's 4? Or, better yet, the 7 from the other video?!

Mr. Johnson

1 comment:

  1. Now I'll DEFINITELY have to try and post another video! Nice work!


Phys. Ed. Activities for Friday, January 8

 Happy Friday Everyone! We're already through our week of online learning! Can you believe it!? Today we're going to do a cardboard ...